The Ultimate Brain Teaser

A few members of our staff were put to the test to try and solve this brainteaser. One person completed it on their first attempt, most spent nearly the entirety of their lunch hour trying to solve it, and some ended up taking the challenge home determined not to be defeated.

We want to see how you fair with this challenge. Simply watch the video above to see the rules, or read the instructions below. There are no tricks or gimmicks, it is simply a combination of mathematics and logic. The answer is here below... but remember only look when you are sure you are ready to surrender!

brain teaser answers The secret to working out this brain teaser is knowing which two numbers to put in the middle. Looking at the brain teaser logically 1 and 8 are the best choice because they are the only two numbers with one matching number each.

  1. Get started
  2. How it works
  3. Rules
  4. Example
  5. And begin..

Get started

Draw 8 squares on a piece of paper as shown here.

How it works

You must now fill these squares with the numbers 1 – 8, HOWEVER adjacent numbers must not be next to one another. For example, 5 cannot be anywhere near 4 or 6.


This means that adjacent numbers cannot be next to each other horizontally, vertically or diagonally.


This is the start of someone’s brainteaser. So far everything looks correct, as they have no adjacent numbers near to one another.

And begin..

Good luck, and let us know how you get on!

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