Pickpocketing on the rise - How to stay safe!

Pickpocketing thefts rose by 20% in London between 2010 - 2012. During the London 2012 Olympics reported incidents of pickpocketing rose to 1700 every day! Find out how you can keep yourself and your belongings safe with our 5 top tips.


1. Ring my bell

With purse/wallets being a popular target for pickpockets one easy and cheap way to protect yourself, is by attaching a bell to your purse.

Should someone then try to make a quick steal, you'll be more likely to hear them! It's an easy and affordable way to protect yourself.

2. Zip it up

If you are carrying a bag with you make sure you zip it up. Place your purse inside any inner pockets to further protect it from prying hands. It's common sense really, but you'd be amazed how many people continue using open tote bags which are a pick pockets dream!

3. Under lock and key

If you're carrying valuables with you, attach a discreet combination padlock to the zips of your backpack. A great deterrent to the opportunistic thief!

4. Track your valuables

For only £30 you can invest in a tracker that can not only help find your keys should you constantly lose them, but could also help you find your belongings if you become the victim of pick pocketing.

This handy tracker is small enough to attach to your keys, your handbag or your purse and should you lose them all you need to do is open the app to see where they are! If you want more information check out the Tile website.

5. Stay alert!

Most pick pockets work in teams of two. One person distracts you whilst the other steals your belongings.

If someone bumps into you, stops to ask you directions stay alert and be conscious of where your valuables are!

Do you have any tips for how to keep you and your belongings safe? Email me us media@ceta.co.uk to share your stories.

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