Bizarre boats you never knew existed!

After searching high and low, we've found some truly wacky boat designs to show you. Enjoy!

  1. The Zipper Boat
  2. The Ark Hotel
  3. The Shark Submarine
  4. The Aqua Car
  5. The Duck Boat
  6. The Queen Swan Ferry
  7. The Odd Shoe
  8. The Canadian Tugboat
  9. The Bottle Boat
  10. The Guitar Boat

The Zipper Boat

Japanese artist Yasuhiro Suzuki debuted his new taxi boat design at the Setouchi International Arts Festival. The boat was created to "zip" commuters from the main land in Takamatsu to the nearby island Megijima.

The Ark Hotel

The Ark Hotel has been designed by Russian firm Remistudioto, to withstand floods caused by rising sea levels. It boasts a self-sustaining environment for guests, and can withstand tidal waves and other natural disasters!

The Shark Submarine

Although the name may have you thinking of a large vessel, submerged deep within the ocean. The reality couldn't be further from it! Creator of the Shark Submarine (a.k.a The Seabreacher) Rob Innes, describes it as a hybrid between a plane and a boat. A James Bond-style craft that can dive under water, roll from side to side and jump 12ft into the air.

Check out the boat in action!

The Aqua Car

A real eye catcher, this boat is sure to stop those in its track! We believe this boat was built in Minneapolis, during in the 1960s to look like a car of the era. A sporty little run about, that is sure to make you smile.

The Duck Boat

Swedish designer Christian Bohlin, pictured, crafted his duck-shaped boat in 2011 and put it on sale for 40,000 Euros (£34,000) - it contains two sleeping cots, a kitchenette and a sauna in the bow.

The Queen Swan Ferry

Lake Yamanaka in Japan, is famous for its many swans. There is even a special place where you can feed them along the shore. Many business entrepreneurs have begun creating swan shaped boats to offer rides to tourists, including a large swan ferry as shown here.

The Odd Shoe

You may well have heard of the old woman who lived in a shoe, but have you heard of the man who sailed in one? These impressive trainer boats were made for the Amsterdam Marathon in 2004 as part of an exciting advertising campaign.

The Canadian Tugboat

Theodore Tugboat is a Canadian children's television series about, you guessed it, a tugboat named Theodore. In the late 1990's Snyder's Shipyard of Dayspring, Nova Scotia, built "Theodore Too"a life-sized replica of Theodore Tugboat. The vessel was launched April 19, 2000 as a promotional tool for the television series and soon after its launch went on a 50-city tour across the US.

The Bottle Boat

A boat made entirely out of used plastic bottles - a creative way to get recycling! If you want to see some more ideas of what you can get crafting using old bottles, then check out the link below.

Recycling old bottles

The Guitar Boat

Australian singer and song writer Josh Pyke commissioned guitar-smiths Maton to create a boat that looked just like an acoustic guitar. Pyke rode the boat at the Sydney Harbour for his 'Make You Happy' music video. After enjoying the guitar boat built for his PR stint, he auctioned the boat off for charity.

Watch the music video

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