Is that really the pet you thought it was?

Made fashionable by David Beckham and Paris Hilton, celebrity pet micro-pigs grow to about fourteen inches and can be kept in the house just like a dog or cat. Shropshire woman Lisa Turk bought Digby last year from a breeder who claimed he was a micro pig.


But a year later Digby weighs six stone and is over twenty inches tall - far too big to stay in the house. It's clear to her now that Digby was never a micro-pig – unfortunately Lisa was the victim of an unscrupulous breeder cashing in on a lucrative trend.

So if you're looking to buy a micro-pig, or indeed any other specific breed of animal, how can you ensure you get what you expect? How can you tell that the cute baby terrapin you've bought doesn't grow into a giant turtle? The answer is to do your research properly.

Find out about the breed

Read up on the type of pet you want to buy and make sure you understand what you're taking on.

Find out if your local library has any relevant books and use the internet to research the breed. Chatting to other owners on bulletin boards can be a useful way to learn more about the animal. Ask about potential pitfalls and seek advice from people about what to look out for.

Research the breeder

Once you've found a potential breeder don't be afraid of asking questions. Ask how long they've been trading, whether they're licensed to sell animals, and where they keep their livestock. If a breeder suggests meeting you in neutral territory such as on an industrial estate or rural location, you should refuse. It's not only a bad idea for your personal safety, it suggests the breeder has something to hide. A reputable breeder will show you around their business so you can see the animals and their housing. Ask for testimonials from satisfied customers and, if you can, contact one or two to establish that they're still happy with the pet they bought.

Meet the parents

Asking to see the parents – or at least the mother – of the pet you're about to buy is an excellent way of checking you're getting what you expect. If the breeder is reluctant to show you the mother, or makes excuses, alarm bells should be ringing. A reputable breeder will have no concerns about showing you the animal's pedigree. If you're able to see the mother, check her for obvious signs of health, but also double-check that this adult version is exactly the type of animal you want.

Ask about after-sales care

A reputable breeder should offer a guarantee of at least a fortnight, so if the animal gets sick in that time or appears not to be what you asked for, you can return it to them. Ask too if they are happy for you to call them if you have any questions or concerns. After all, they are – or should be – experts in the breed and should be willing to share their knowledge with their customers.

When it all goes wrong

If what you thought was a newt grows into an alligator, your miniature poodle becomes a giant schnauzer, or your micro-pig turns into a porker, you need to take action. When you buy from a private individual you have the right to expect that goods be 'as described', so it is important you keep any advert or other literature you saw at the point of sale.

The law will back you up -- misdescription of animals made on or after 26 May 2008 is an offence under the Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations 2008, and should be reported. Contact the breeder and politely explain the issue. Remember that it could be an honest mistake and give them an opportunity to give you your money back. If the breeder refuses to acknowledge the problem, or tells you the animal was 'sold as seen', inform your local authority who will advise you on the next steps.

Homework pays

Keeping animals is a rewarding and enjoyable hobby. If you have your heart set on a specialist breed of pet, make sure you do your homework, otherwise they could grow up to be something else entirely.

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