5 cutest cat videos!

Pets seem to have taken over the internet, particularly cats, and who are we to complain? Here's our take on the top five cutest clips.

So sit back and have a chuckle, we've kept them short.

  1. World Cup 2014
  2. Little nap? Don't mind if I do ...
  3. Sorry, what did you say?
  4. Curiosity?
  5. A true classic

World Cup 2014

No- we're not going to try and force more football down your throats but it's no surprise that keen YouTube video posters have latched onto World Cup fever to promote their films. This little kitten's aiming for a place in one of the national teams by the look of it!

YouTube link

Little nap? Don't mind if I do ...

Many of us think cats don't do anything except sleep. But they must eat too - although this little one hasn't got the hang of that yet.

YouTube link

Sorry, what did you say?

A little kitten who talks too much, apparently, although you can hear the owners talking nineteen to the dozen over the kitten then encouraging it to start up again when it stops! Dead cute though.

YouTube link


Kitten rescue - when a kitten gets stuck in a drainpipe a leaf blower is used to force it out - traumatic for the little kitten of course, but much better than trying to release it by mechanical means.

YouTube link

A true classic

There are various versions of this on YouTube but it's still funny and cute. Two cats playing pat-a-cake have a voiceover in French added (don't worry, there are subtitles).

YouTube link

Hope you've enjoyed our quick selection. Drop us a line at media@insurance.com if we've missed your favourite.

Have a great summer everyone!

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